The text in this column is controlled by the style .leftcoltext. The style defines the padding and background color.

  • dolore magna aliquam
  • erat volutpat. Ut wisi

Bulleted or Unordered lists are defined to display the graphic bullets shown above.



The dividers are created by pressing return twice to create a paragraph space and appyling the style .divider to the <p> tag.



Paragraph Heading: a line of sub-heading text


The main 'normal' style for this page has been defined with the following attributes:

The font is defined as Arial, Helvetica Sans-serif. This means the Arial font will be a browser's primary font choice. If Arial is not installed the browser will display Helvetica or a sans-serif font. The font size is defined to be 9pt.

The <body> tag is defined to display the linear background pattern.


Paragraph Heading: a line of sub-heading text


The above heading is contained within a three column table. The table width is set to 100% inorder to make the heading span the width of the column. If you require the heading to be narrower you can set the width of the table to a pixel value or a lesser percentage.


Example Heading



In the above example the table width is set to 180 pixels and aligned left.


The Links



The link, visited link and mouse-over link color are also defined to be in keeping with the Theme colors of this page. The three columns in this layout have individual link styles defined.


This paragraph is indented using the Text Indent button. In order to make indents work more like a word processor and to provide more spacing control, indents do not have added space above or below the paragraph. If you want to add a blank line, then press return twice.



Bulleted Lists :

Webstyle creates appropriate bullet graphics, in keeping with the style and colors used on this page.

  • This is a bullet item
  • This is another bullet item
  • Bullet lists do not have added space above or below
  • To create a blank space above or below enter a blank line


This text is in the style called Heading 1

The styles used in this web page have been defined so things act as you'd expect, in a predictable, word-processor like manner. If you press return it just moves to the next line and doesn't create an uncontrollable space above or below. To start a new paragraph then press Return twice.



This heading is in the style called Heading 2

The text in this column is controlled by the style .rightcoltext The style defines the padding and background color.

  • consequat. Duis autem
  • vel eum iriure dolor
  • in hendrerit in

vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla faci